Billiards / Snooker Cue ...



CUE is an equipment for playing the game of Billiards, Snooker,  Pool or Carom Bole, and is because these games are categorized as Cue Sports. Cue is used to strike the striker ball or cue ball in these games. There are various types of cues available for Billiards and Snooker viz. Single Piece, Two Piece and Three Quarter but the best one is which suits the individual requirements. Generally length of cue is 58 inches. Weight from 17-19 or 19½ ounces. Cues are completely made up of wood. The holding side of cue is termed as Butt and the striking side is known as Shaft. The top of shaft is covered with metal (nearly 1 cm. in length) termed as Ferrule. Basic function of Ferrule is to support Cue Tip. Cue tips are made up of Leather. These all comprises a Standard Billiards / Snooker CUE.


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Last modified: Monday August 24, 2009 19:59:55 +0530